This change also eliminates the “Safety Card” that operators receive if they did not have enough experience time to fulfill the prior requirement for certification.
All operators – even those with minimum experience – are encouraged to complete the education requirement and take the certification test. Upon passing, they will receive ACPA Certification.
ACPA Certification fulfills the written qualification for concrete pump operators according to the ASME B30.27 Safety Standard for Material Placement Systems. Included in the ASME Standard 27-3.1.2 Qualifications for Operators, an operator must have:
(2) satisfactory completion of a written examination covering operational characteristics, controls, power line avoidance, stability requirements, and emergency control skills, such as response to fire, power line contact, loss of stability, or control malfunctions, appropriate to the material placement system type for which they are being qualified.
It is also important to remember that according to the ASME standard, it is up to the employer, or employer’s representative, to determine an operator’s competency for operation. Employers should have a written assessment of the operator’s proficiency for each size and type of the machine they will be operating. If you have not completed a practical assessment for your operators, you can download a form here:
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