Legislative News

12% Retail Excise Tax Repeal Legislation Introduced

Source: ForConstructionPros

The National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA) issued the following Legislative Alert regarding the introduction of HR 4321:

On March 29, Representative Jim Gerlach (R-PA) introduced HR 4321, legislation to repeal the retail sales excise tax on heavy trucks (concrete pump chassis) and replace the revenue with a small increase in the diesel fuel tax rate. The bill was cosponsored by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR). The bill has been referred to the House Ways and Means Committee, of which Rep. Gerlach is a member.

IRS Withdraws 3 Percent Withholding Rules

Source: SC&RA Newsletter

The Internal Revenue Service has withdrawn both the final and proposed regulations it had issued to implement the now-repealed requirement for all levels of government to withhold 3 percent of the gross contract price from all their contractors to cover those contractors' potential federal tax obligations.  This requirement, which would have taken effect in 2013, was repealed by Congress late last year, noted the April 27 issue of the State Laws Newsletter.

NLRB Effects Rule Expediting Union Representation Elections

Source: Associate Builders and Contractors, Arlington, Va.

A controversial final rule issued by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in December 2011 that overhauls procedures for union representation elections became effective on April 30. Under the rule, commonly known as the "ambush" elections rule, the amount of time between when a union files a representation petition and an election takes place is reduced from the current average of around 40 days to as few as 17-20 days.

Notes from Washington

by Craig Piercy, ACPA Legislative Advocate

Something extraordinary has happened in Washington. In the thick of a bruising election year, Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Senate have come together in a bipartisan fashion to pass multiyear legislation to fund construction and maintenance on the nation’s highways and bridges.

Notes from Washington: Washington's Competency Problem

by Craig Piercy, ACPA Legislative Advocate

Throughout my career in Washington, I have always assumed that the federal government’s ability to impact the U.S. economy was somewhat overblown.
