SCHWING Demos Its New S 51 SX Pump

SCHWING America recently held two real-world demonstrations of our new S 51 SX pump at our factory: one on August 15 and the other on September 15. SCHWING customers from around the country, as well as SCHWING employees, were invited to see the new SCHWING S 51 SX in action.

The S 51 SX features a five-section RZ5 placing boom with a 2525H-6 pump kit, and outputs 213 cubic yards per hour at 1,169 psi of pressure on concrete. The pump has an impressive vertical reach of 164’5” and a horizontal reach of 147’4”.

Each one-day event included a demo pour from the S 51 SX, machine walkarounds, a customer feedback meeting, a factory tour and a customer appreciation dinner.

The demo pour gave both SCHWING customers and employees an up-close look at the pumping capabilities of the S 51 SX, and several customers even operated the pump. Eighty cubic yards of concrete were poured at the August demonstration, and 92 cubic yards were poured in September. The demonstrations also helped contribute to SCHWING’s ongoing factory improvements by creating a two-slab concrete pathway between our warehouses; the new pathway will allow better access for forklifts as they move between the buildings.

During the machine walkarounds, customers took the controls of the S 51 SX as well as other SCHWING machines (including the S 36 RaZor, the S 43 SX, and the S 56 SXF). Our knowledgeable SCHWING service techs were on hand to answer any questions.

Following the demonstrations, customers met with SCHWING representatives from our parts, quality, sales and service divisions to discuss future products, spare parts and service issues, as well as exploring how SCHWING can best partner with our customers.

To close out the facility portion of the day, Paul Courneya, SCHWING’s director of quality assurance, gave customers a personal tour of the SCHWING factory. Customers learned more about SCHWING’s testing and quality process, and production, test, paint and weldshop employees guided customers through each respective area.

A delicious customer appreciation dinner ended each day.

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