Due to popular demand, SCHWING America has added two more service seminars this fall. The level II service seminar is scheduled for October 17–20, and the level III service seminar is October 31–November 3. The four-day seminars are held at SCHWING’s dedicated training facility in White Bear, Minnesota, and include multi-media training aids and hands-on troubleshooting. Students also receive a training manual on USB, along with a printed copy. Sign up at https://schwing.com/service/service-seminars.html.
SCHWING America is now also offering classes for structural and operational inspections of SCHWING equipment. The five-day seminars will focus on how to properly inspect SCHWING boom pumps. The structural seminar is July 25–29 with the operational seminar soon after that. Please check the SCHWING webpage https://schwing.com/service/service-seminars-1.html for more information.