Construction Forms Offers Lower Transportation Costs

Construction Forms, Inc. has entered into an agreement with a third party logistics provider (3PL’s) to help drive down the cost of freight for its customers while also offering improved delivery service. Although many 3PL’s may offer savings through consolidating partial loads into dedicated full trucks, it can also extend delivery times. Instead, Conforms chose to partner with a provider that negotiates the movement of a large amount of freight volume nationwide, which not only allows for extra leverage in which to negotiate favorable rates on ConForms’ behalf, but also provides increased delivery service to its customers. Additional benefits come in the way of billing, tracking, inbound freight and quoting efficiencies, which will contribute to greater savings for ConForms’ customers. In the first five months of the agreement, Con- Forms’ customers have collectively saved over $76,000 in freight, and service levels have been improved. To learn more about the program and the benefits it can offer, please contact Con- Forms at (800) 223-3676.