Certification 2020 Mandate

Changes Coming to ACPA Certification Training and Testing

Beginning January 01, 2022, the education requirement for ACPA Operator Certification will change.


As a prerequisite for ACPA Operator Certification, an operator must complete the 5.0.3 Operator Safety Training Presentation, which can be fulfilled in one of three ways:

  1. Complete the ClickSafety online safety training presentation course (https://business.clicksafety.com/acpa/)
  2. Instruction from an ACPA Authorized Training Administrator*
  3. Attend a “live” ACPA Operator Safety Seminar

Once the education requirement is met, the operator has the option of taking the written version of the Certification Test, or the online version (https://www.concretepumpers.com/content/certification-test-online-version).

Please note: The 4.01 ACPA Operator Safety Training video will no longer fulfill the education requirement for ACPA Certification.

* Any individual meeting the following criteria will be eligible to become designated as an ACPA Authorized Training Administrator (ATA). Qualifications include:

  • Possess a minimum of three (3) years’ experience in the concrete pumping industry, which can be fulfi lled with any combination of the following
    • Operating a concrete pump
    • Materially participating in the management of a concrete pumping company’s operations
    • Acting in the role as the ACPA Member’s designated Safety Director
  • Is either an ACPA Certified Operator, or effective January 01, 2022, has completed the ACPA Operator Safety Presentation Program (via a live seminar or ClickSafety)
  • Completed the ACPA Train the Trainer Program

The next ACPA Train the Trainer workshop will be held January 17th, 2022 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Applications for the workshop may be obtained on the ACPA website or by contacting Sue[at]concretepumpers[dot]com.

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ASME B30.27 Safety Standards - WeAreSaferTogether.org

ClickSafety Online Training Link

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