Dear Members,
As we continue to come with grips on the impact COVID-19 has made on our daily lives, I want to provide you with an update on our ongoing efforts to continue to serve our membership while ensuring the safety and well-being of the Association's staff.
ACPA's staff is currently working remotely and I'm pleased to announce that for the most part, we are able to operate at full capacity. However, one area that may be slightly impacted is shipping and receiving of materials such as, safety supplies and certifications. While I promise we will make every attempt to ensure the timeliness of getting these materials to you, if you have expedited needs, please contact Shawna Mitchell by either email Shawna[at]concretepumpers[dot]com or by calling the National Office at 614.431.5618.
In addition, ACPA's Washington Advocate, Bose Public Affairs Group, will be sharing with us their COVID-19 Daily Policy Update, a newsletter specifically tailored to COVID-19 response efforts from various sources to provide you with a brief overview of important developments.
Please take note of the following:
Hopefully these inconveniences are temporary, and we will be on the road to recovery very soon. I wish you all good health and please remember to be mindful of the needs of others.
Safe Pumping!
Christi Collins, Executive Director