ACPA Operator Safety Seminar: Dallas, TX

Event Date: 
04/13/2024 - 8:00am to 5:00pm

Note: Testing to Follow


The ACPA is dedicated to the education and promotion of concrete pump safety to the concrete pumping industry and for all those who come into contact with a concrete pump on a construction job. We're here to teach you how you, and others around you, can stay safer on the job.

Our instructors have over 50 years of combined concrete pumping experience.

Note: Before attending the seminar, please review the operator study guide, which can be downloaded free of charge here in English or Spanish or a hard copy can be mailed for a nominal fee.

ACPA Operator Safety Seminar ImageLocation:

Construction Forms, Inc.
2800 Alouette Dr.
Grand Prairie TX 75052
P: 262-339-0501

Presenter: Nathan Germany

Seminar Topics:

  • Preparation Before The Job
  • Pump Setup & Operation
  • Attitude & Coworker Safety
  • Hazards Of The Job
  • Cleaning & Maintenance
  • Technical 

Seminar Rates:*

  • ACPA Certified Members: FREE**
  • ACPA Non-Certified Members: FREE**
  • Non-Members: FREE**

Testing Rates:

  • Members $70.00 (US Dollars)
  • Non-Members $240.00 (US Dollars)


Please, direct questions to Shawna Mitchell at 614.431.5618.


*Includes Lunch
**The seminar is free for those that include Certification Testing. If you chose not to include Certification Testing, you will be charged a seminar fee of $70 (Member Rate) or $240 (Non-Member Rate) upon form submission approval.

Note: Dates and locations subject to change.


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DY Concrete Pumps
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Pipe Technology, a Westflex, Inc. Company
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ASME B30.27 Safety Standards -

ClickSafety Online Training Link

what is a concrete pumper link