One of the most critical obstacles facing many concrete pumping companies is the challenge of finding qualified candidates to become concrete pump operators. In fact, in a recent survey of the membership, over 80 percent responded they had planned to hire between one and five operators in 2016, yet many of their pumps still remain idle due to the shortage of operators.

In order to address this issue, the ACPA is pleased to announce Sidney Rathbun as its new workforce development coordinator. In this position, Sidney will work with trade and vocational schools, social media and other outlets to highlight opportunities in the field of concrete pumping. She will also solicit potential candidates’ resumes for posting on the ACPA Career Center. ACPA members will be informed when a resume is posted, and members are encouraged to post their job openings as well.

Sidney joined the Collins Management Team in 2013, working as a part-time ACPA certification specialist while attending The Ohio State University. After graduating with a degree in psychology, she became the full-time certification manager before moving to Baltimore, Maryland this past summer; however, she remained as a contributing member of the team, and will now continue in this newly-created role.

Sidney may be reached at sidney[at]concretepumpers[dot]com or by phone at (740) 816-0993.